Social Psychiatry Blog

What Good Coaching Can Do


A coach is a mentor, a role model, an example. He or she is someone whom people emulate. It is no joke to be a coach since a coach is a very influential element in the life of whoever it is being coached and, because of this, a coach should be able to have the sense of maturity, responsibility, and of course, accountability to be able to really be effective and, at the same time, credible.

The Power Of Clairvoyance Is Already Within You!


Have you ever thought about what being a clairvoyant means, and what it could mean to you? Have you thought about the possibility that you can develop your own clairvoyant abilities, even if you don’t think you have them now? In fact you can, likely, even if you don’t have these abilities just yet. That’s because ‘clairvoyance’ is actually a skill that can be developed, not just a talent you are born with. It’s a little bit like driving; you don’t know how to drive when you’re born, but almost everyone can learn how to. It’s the same with clairvoyance. You just need a plan to help you develop these skills, similar to the way you learn the skills you will need to drive a car.

Social Scientists Have Become Very Disturbed


To sift through this large volume of info, we require a resource – of course there’s books, and there are doctors to talk to – but these concerns would be better met by looking on the Internet for facts. By using the web we can discover anything which we require, relating to anger and frustration management and control, and actually advice on ways to keep ourselves stress free, which is a thing that the majority of the modern world wants!

View Anything You Want By Understanding Remote Viewing Secrets


Whether you realize it or not, everyone including you has a unique ability for remote viewing. Many individuals already know how to use this ability, while others do not. There are some unique remote viewing secrets that can aid you in developing your various abilities in this lifetime.

Explaining What A Lucid Dream Is


In simple terms, if one has a dream and they’re actually aware of the fact that they’re dreaming, then that is known as a lucid dream. In the context of dreaming, ‘lucid’ means being aware or conscious. The lucidity of a dream however can vary dramatically depending on the dream itself and how much influence you have in controlling the dream.

Subconscious mind: The Most Powerful Thing In The Universe


Every one knows a bit a about the subconscious mind. There are many who blame all their wrongdoings on this part of our brain. However, do you really known the real power of the subconscious mind? This is one of the most potent weapons in the universe which can either help you or destroy you. It won’t be wrong to say that the situation you are in today or the type of life you are living is all a result of the subconscious mind. Let’s understand the true nature of the subconscious mind and how it shapes up our lives.

How Can I Save My Marriage When I Can’t Afford Counseling?


Marriage counseling is always an options for couples who are experiences marital problems. The cost for counseling tend to have a high price tag, per session, and this is not allows a viable option for many couples. The fact is that most of the couples that are experiences problems have their finances at the root of them all. With these hard economic times everyone has been feeling financial stress, in one form or another, and adding to that stress by having to pay for counseling may only make matters worse.

Please Don’t Believe Those “Dream Dictionaries”


I have been interpreting my dreams since 1977. I learned how to do this after suffering my first panic attack while sitting in a lecture hall at University of Illinois. It was not a stressful situation and out of no where this tremendous fear came over me. I ran out of class. After a few more incidences, I decided I needed to see a psychologist and that was when I first put pen to paper and started writing my dreams. Over the years I started interpreting for others and developed the practice of interpreting my dreams. Today I am grateful for my panic attacks as they helped me understand who I.

How Chakra Balancing Can Help You Achieve Health and Happiness!


In this technology obsessed society we live in, most people have simply forgotten about the existence and importance of a spiritual being inside their physical being.

Your Past Lives Explored With Regression Hypnosis


What is regression hypnosis? It’s a form of hypnotherapy that helps you go into your past and discover things that you may know in your subconscious, but will not recognize in your conscious mind. Oftentimes, you can use this therapy to help you figure out negative experiences from your past. If you want to rediscover your past lives, you can also use regression hypnosis to do this.