Social Psychiatry Blog

Be Happy By Knowing What Is Important To You


For most people each day brings with it a chance to make it special. It allows us to do things different from the day before and brings us closer to our achieving our goals.

Why Staying Positive Is The Best Way To Go


Are you a pessimist or an optimist? I’m here to tell you that your outlook on life, and whether you choose to look at what you want to achieve or what you hope to avoid, definitely matters. We all of the ability to choose our outlook.

How Safe Is It For Kids To Skate On Shoes With Wheels?


The first time I saw a young child gliding and darint around in a store I couldn’t believe it. It took me a minute to realize what was going on. Then I noticed that the shoes had wheels in the heels. I’ve gotten more used to this since, but I still worry because I can’t tell which way they’re going next. And boy are they fast!

Drug Free Depression Treatment Proves Effective


Do you believe your thoughts affect not only your feelings, but your body and mental state as well? Over the course of the this decade, there’s been an ongoing debate and conversation surrounding movies such as the Secret, and the concept of the Law of Attraction, cognitive behavioral therapy-changing the way a person thinks about a certain aspect of life, can improve depressions.

Tips For A Successful Interview


You know how much work you’ve put into your job search. The cover letters, resume rewrites, countless hours spent pouring over the job boards. Eventually you get that call you have been waiting for you. You have an invitation to come for an interview.

Most Practical Natural Cures For Depression


You’ve broken up with the boy who means the whole world to you. It would be easy to sulk around and regret your fate but something inside tells you to move on. Now, how do you really get rid of depression when you know that your whole body wants to give up the fight? Well, the very first thing to consider is that you are actually lucky for having given the chance to know that the situation you are into is not right. Compared to other people, you are luckier because you were able to recognize the trouble and you want to fight against it. Now, the solution to try is the use of natural cures for depression. Below are some options to try:

Why Rebound Relationships Could Be A Good Thing


The end of a long-term relationship is always tough for both people involved. When such relationships end, it’s common for us to seek out a new partner who can take the place of our old partner, at least temporarily. These are called rebound relationships, and most people find themselves in such a relationship at some point in their lives.

Marriage Trouble Dreams


To more effectively better understand the meaning of dream of a marriage in trouble and how dreams affect your life or the life of someone you know, you must first research what is currently happening or changed in your life or another’s for whom the dream may be intended in regards to marriage, relationships, health, career, finances and family members affected by the marriagerelationship.

You’ve Got To Enjoy Your Own Company Before You Can Enjoy Others


Are you afraid of being alone? Many people are. The thought that, at some point in time most of us will spend a period of time alone, is something that scares many people a great deal.

The Attitude Of Parents Greatly Influences The Attitude Of Their Children


We may find ourselves looking at other parents and criticizing their behavior. It’s easy to judge from the sidelines and say that parents should always be calm and understanding when it comes to their children and that they should have the patience of a saint. Before we start looking at other parents this way, let’s keep in mind that no one is perfect, not even the best parent in the world.