Social Psychiatry Blog

2012 Survival Map: Your Ally To Survival

When the apocalypse arrives, expect that it will be very difficult to predict our rate of survival. So aside from preparing the much needed resources and supplies, it would be wise if you are knowledgeable of the 2012 survival map in which you can build your safe bunkers or shelters. One can never be certain of the degree of damage that the apocalypse will bring but what we are certain of is that the world will have a hard time getting back to its feet again.

Let’s say the concept of the apocalypse is true, you should learn to anticipate and prepare for the calamities like asteroid showers, destructive storms, gigantic tidal waves, eruptions of volcanoes and continental reversal. Giving thoughts to these areas, you mustrealize how important it is to prepare for survival. Research on how you can best familiarize yourself with the ultimate things to consider when choosing the best location to reside.

First of all, steer clear from areas that are dormant as well as those places near the water shorelines. To live near volcanoes is very dangerous since any aggressive movements on Earth’s mantle will definitely cause them to erupt. You should also have second thoughts on living in an area where there is a volcano that has been inactive for years or centuries nearby.

With this, countries in South America and Asia have to be stayed away from as they house the most number of volcanoes in the world. The instant a volcano explodes, it will have movements that will trigger the ocean to make gigantic tidal waves. That is why, living near water lines would just put your life at risk. It is needless to say that the height of tidal waves with this kind of blast is so much that it can wipe out cities such as New York or Manhattan.

Also, since we are looking for the likelihood of a solar storm, you may also expect nuclear explosions made by the super power countries. Nuclear reactors will explode and just before Planet X collides with Earth, the casualties are already high because of the nuclear toxins. Thus, nations like Unites States, China, Russia, Australia, and Europe have to be avoided because such underground bunkers will not be safe enoughtr o be your refuge.

As of now, there is one place on Earth that is said to be the safest according to the scientists. Since the Earth is considered to be one of the flattest areas in the world, scientists are eyeing North Africa to be the cradle for underground communities once the apocalypse has taken place. What is more, there is the possibility of a great explosion happening in countries mentioned above.

There are also various organizations from different countries that invest resources for building communities on large underground bunkers. Although there may be some requiring you to pay individual entrance fees, there are those who will ask for your help in putting it up. These survival groups handle the job of preserving resources like the plants, animals, and minerals.

Knowing your 2012 survival map is one step closer to avoid possible human extinction. This is in fact the most tangible way of survival in times like these. To think is indeed necessary so that you can be sure you can prepare the ways of combatting this immense calamity.

Are you becoming weary as to where you will stay when the apocalypse comes? Know your 2012 survival map and start building your own underground shelters or join communities towards survival; simply, visit our website to learn more about these safe places.

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