When the Going Gets Rough the Rough get a Life Coach
All the time you were growing up, some kids had a clear idea of what they were going to be, others changed their mind daily and some never actually thought about it. Some individuals ended up doing what they’d always planned; others did a complete 180 degree turn and selected a very different life. For some of us, choosing any path in life was difficult and so we settled for whatever came our way.
May Is Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Month
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is an illness often stemming from a history of childhood trauma. Disrupted family relationships, abandonment, sexual abuse and poor communication within the family are risk factors for this devastating disorder. It is estimated that 5.9% of the general public struggles with this. People with BPD have very unstable moods, swinging from rage to joy and love to hate in the blink of an eye. They also have problems with impulse control. These factors set the stage for very intense, chaotic relationships in both the teen years and into adulthood.