Being Chased In Dreams
Being chased in a dream is a very frequent dream theme and is often the result of past experiences, memories or one of the numerous and varied responsibilities we face in our everyday lives.
One can compare being pursuedchased in a dream to the feelings we experience from being pressured and followed around by a nagging voice repeatedly reminding us of what has to be taken care of in our daily routines. Feeling chased can stem from the overwhelming responsibility of maintaining a healthy marriage, relationships, careers, workplace, work flow, family, and our financial responsibilities.
Needless to say, our everyday stress, guilt, unexpected changes and old memories haunt us compounding the list with health problems, fear, anxiety and depressionwhere one now finds himself quickly generating a driving force that often results in dreams of being chased.
Some Of The Major Causes Of Being Chased In Dreams-The are hundreds of reasons that result in dreams of being chased, the major ones seem to be painful memories, troubled marriages, unpleasant experiences, difficult relationships, stifling working environments, unreasonable employers, financial problems, health issues, anxiety, depression and fear.
Although these are among the major causes of chase dreams, being chased by a group, mobs, known, seen and unseen enemy, stranger, beast or act of nature rank very high in chase dreams.
Yet, though we understand the reasons that cause dreams of being chased, it unusual for a dream of being chase reveal to the dreamer the actual cause of their chase dream within the dream itself. The reason is simple, for the part we dream about events, occurrences, symbols, signs, actions, reactions and illusions. And because we do not dream as a normal story would follow, the real reason for the dream is hidden.
In order to better understand your chase dreams, it is important to understand the meaning of the emotions the dreamer felt both during and after the dream ends and upon dreamer waking up. By understanding your emotions, the dreamer will better be able to dissect and unravel the real meaning of why the dreamer dreamt this type of dream.
This may partially be accomplished by learning how to recognize the clues: personality traits, action(s) in the dream by the dreamer and against the dreamer. In regards to emotional colors: what is spoken, read, what is depicted in body language and facial expressions all add to enhancing a more meaningful interpretation of your dream and what the dream message has for your life.
Other Causes Of Dreams Of being Chased-Dreams of being chased by a person or unseen entity represents a personal attack against you due to jealousy, envy and a personal hidden agenda. Being chased by a person or unseen entity also represents you are being misused for financial gain, lies, illusion, deception, and the truth is camouflaged in a mask of truth mixed with lies. This also represents an attack against you personally in excluding you from important meetings and events in your personal life and at work by edging you out of the circle of decision makers involved in major projects and decisions.
Dreams of being chased by a wind represents a demonic attack out of control which is a dark hidden scheme emanating from the dark spirit realm of demons, the enemy of good people in the world perpetrated by another or others who show no self restraint in acting on the darker sides of their human nature. This kind of spirit world attack typically leaves the dreamer filled with fear, anxiety, hopelessness, deep depression and worries of falling into ruin they can do nothing to prevent.
The focus of the attack is to put you through physical, emotional and personal changes including your lifestyle. The after effects hoped for as a result of the attacks are lifestyle changes, loss of identity, low self esteem, financial loss, stress, denial, pain, money problems, emotional trauma, deep depression, panic, grief, sorrow, disappointments, sadness, loneliness separation and hurt.
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categories: Horoscope and dreams,Depression,Astrology and dreams,Entertainment,Meaning of chase dreams,Psychology,Spirituality,Self Help,Dreams,Dream Interpretation,Personal Growth,Advice,Lifestyle,Relationships