Social Psychiatry Blog

Exploring The Concept Of Mind Over Matter

Generally we, human beings do not use our brains more then a mere 10%. However the sub-conscious part of the human brain, if utilized to its full potential can unleash tremendous power. This power if controlled can be used to do unimaginable things and hence the concept of Mind over matter gets justified through this fact.

Mind over matter as a concept can be looked upon from a paranormal as well as a spiritual perspective. Paranormal behavior in this respect points at the fact that individuals can move physical objects with the power of the sub-conscious part of their brain while the spiritual side of it states that human beings can control everything around them with the help of their thought process.

For ages unknown, saints and prophets living in isolation have been able to create miracles that are actually realistic examples of how an individual can use the power of the brain in this regard. Mind over matter in these cases have been possible due to the fact that they have been able to control their thought process to a huge extent and that too very successfully. It is a proven fact that intense meditation can bring such powers to an individual’s control.

Psychokinesis relates to the ability of certain individuals to move objects with the help of their immensely powerful thought process. Mind over matter in fact is reflected in this ability of an individual and is only found in very few specially gifted personalities who can actually use their brain to their heightened potential and do things that a normal human brain can just dream of.

First termed as Telekinesis in the 19th century, it was all about the mysterious movements of physical objects, and the existence of ghosts or supernatural powers behind it were researched about. Later, when it was recognized to be a result of the human mind and not ghosts, it was coined ‘psychokinesis’ on which various psychologists of different countries researched on.

A person having such specialties can move large objects with the help of his mind power. Psychokinesis mainly has two categories and thus can be divided into firstly micro Psychokinesis and secondly macro Psychokinesis.

Researchers generally coin the term micro Psychokinesis for individuals who were able to displace a physical object for a very minimal amount of space. That is, the changes were not perceptible by normal sight and microscope is required to see it.

Macro Psychokinesis is the ability of an individual where the latter can use his or her immense power of the brain to displace much larger objects, for example it may be a bed or he or she may just bend a spoon made of steel. Extreme concentration and an efficient channelizing of thoughts help one to do it. Thus the concept of Mind over matter is authenticated through such individuals who can literally use their brain to do miracles.

New age spirituality gives testimony to the fact that through the concept of Mind over matter, we can create our own destinies with all that we desire for. We can be happy and be free to manifest whatever good we want through our positivity. Laws of attraction is another concept which puts forward the fact that we can create our own destinies and make all our desires come true by truly believing from within that its coming our way and visualize and focus on it so strongly that the event gets attracted from the universe and manifests in reality.

Roger Lange is a writer for the website. You can enjoy the incredible experience of using mind power for yourself and get 29 Free mind over matter Audios And Videos when you visit here.

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