Social Psychiatry Blog

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms Are Frequently Very Difficult

Everybody experiences times of stress accompanied by anxiety. This is a normal part of life. Events happen as they will; previous experience shapes perception of said events. Most people feel anxiety on a temporary basis; it comes and goes with the waxing and waning of daily life. There is a segment of the general populace, however, that routinely suffers from generalized anxiety disorder symptoms.

Occasionally, long-term exposure to highly stressful events can bring about such symptoms. First experiences with loss, in any area of life, that impact daily living are the most likely events to cause chronic anxiety issues. Death of a loved one, financial changes, and personal relationships are notorious for having long-term ramifications.

Chronic anxiety can bring on mental and physical disturbances. Depression, hot flashes, and erratic heart beat are but a few of the feelings some people may experience in response to events that are perceived to be stressful. Individuals who are chronically prone to nervousness and worry often react more strongly to the same situations their calmer counter-parts do.

Social events that are considered enjoyable are perceived as awful by chronically stressed people. Sitting through a theater play or driving over a bridge can be enough to send someone into a panic-attack. The individual knows something is wrong inside of his or herself though that person does not understand what is happening or why it is happening. More often than not, in extreme cases, the nearest exit quickly becomes a place of refuge.

Irritability, headaches, muscle tension, and hot flashes become daily experiences for many people who are anxiety-prone. Relaxing is nearly an impossibility. Sleep is generally disrupted; feeling light-headed at any given time is also experienced. There are moments when an anxiety sufferer will feel as if everyone and everything around them is progressing normally throughout the day while he or she is in a cloud, or for example, having some sort of out-of-body experience.

Nervous dispositions can be life-altering. Normal activities that were once easy transform into unbearable tasks. Balance loss without dizziness is also expressed from time to time. This is nearly impossible to explain in a fashion others truly comprehend.

Generalized anxiety disorder symptoms, otherwise referred to as GAD, are responsible for creating challenges in daily life. It is not uncommon for medical professionals to see a patient multiple times before an accurate diagnosis is made. This is because a patient may complain of ailments such as shortness of breath, hot flashes, and headaches which can be attributed to a multitude of other conditions. In most cases trips to the emergency room result in blood work with no conclusive answers. A follow-up visit with the family doctor is usually recommended in such instances. Anxiety can be overcome with appropriate support, medication, and the passage of time.

Do you experience generalized anxiety disorder symptoms on a frequent basis? Get the low down on treatment methods now in our panic disorder symptoms overview.

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