What The Heck Is NLP?
Neuro-linguistic Programming or NLP is process in by which individual try to attain their self actualization through communication. This is the mental programming in skill development in tackling real life experiences. Goal planning goes through various processes before thr actual implementation.
An individual behavior is determined by the NLP process; this is acquired through experiential learning. The programming is what many people believe as determining success or failure in life. What is learned to a larger extend determines an individuals direction in making choices. Observing others contribute to ones behavior due to the effect of the mental programming.
Those who strive to dig deeper in understanding NLP usually get stuck between studying the whole concept or just some part of it. It becomes more complicated and confusing as you dig deeper to understand what it means in real life. In a nutshell, the programming helps people imitate or ape others successes and avoid failures. The human brain is very selective and only chooses what is easily achievable and avoids risks.
NLP is defined as the part of human being that through experience can be used to achieve specific set goals. When we imitate a person who is a hero, we only imitate his or her present state and not his entire past life. Our brains tend to pick on what is humanly possible to imitate and forget how we arrive at the state that we achieve.
The programming through NLP looks at what one has achieved and does not concern itself with how the goal was achieved. The process of arriving at a set goal or perfection is more important in life than just finding yourself at the top. Imitating other and doing what they do does not make you equal to them. You need to go through the entire process to be the same as they are or even better.
The NLP processes help in developing persuasion skills in humans, how people work or function and deal with the issues of counseling, coaching and therapies as well. It also helps in creating friendships even if it is for convenience sake. When our mind is programmed, we exude confidence and are able to build short term relationships with people next to us albeit for a short period. Speeches are born of the confidence that NLP helps us built and plays a major role in team participation and individual realization of life long goals.
The brain programming does not mean that people do not thing or function independently when making decisions. The process involves a lot of imagination and it differentiates the creative individual and the less creative. When people get ideas in their mind, they look for channels to communicate the same to others and this is one of NLP functions.
The study or essence of NLP does not control the mind but acts as an enable to make people make decisions according to the situation they are in. this is the therapeutic change that takes part so fast that it is translated to verbal actions which determine how people communicate.
In this what is nlp short article,Mr. Thomas reveals some easy means of understanding this complex discipline. For more information,have a look at his online video.