Social Psychiatry Blog

Options Available For ADHD Treatment NYC

The condition known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, has far reaching effects on not only the children but also the parents. When it comes to the children, they will be bound to have daily frustrations. The parents and other family members will have to deal with such things as disruption of their lifestyles, high tempers and several other kinds of misbehavior in the children. In considering ADHD treatment NYC residents can consider many options.

One such option is behavior modification which has been in use for decades. It works for children that exhibit aggressive or disruptive behavior. Treatments that border on behavior can be applied successfully for management of inattention, academic performance and disruptive behavior. There are five classifications of behavioral treatments- clinical therapy designed for behavior change, direct contingency management, interventions on cognitive-behavior, combined and medical therapies and intensive packaged behavioral treatments.

The main aim of cognitive-behavioral interventions is for teaching self control by using verbal individual-instructions, cognitive modeling, individual-evaluation, self-monitoring and other strategies. The therapist and the client meet once every week to attempt and teach them ways of controlling behavior. For instance, the child may be taught to say stop to himself when he is nearly calling out in class. Children with this condition lack such internal cues, hence the need to teach them.

Clinical behavioral therapy is used for teachers, caregivers and parents. During the training sessions, parents get assigned instructions and readings that contain standard behavioral techniques. Such therapists that make use of clinical behavioral therapy work hand in hand with teachers to teach strategies aimed at enhancing behavior.

Intensive behavioral therapies combine both clinical behavior therapy and contingency management. The techniques are combined into intensive programs that are used to improve self-control and socialization of the child. Through such combination of techniques, what results is more effective than using either of them alone. When medications are used, the behavioral component has to be slightly scaled down. In so doing, there is a reduction in the amount of time spent trying to shape behavior.

There can be reduction of dose of medication when the combined approach is used. Whenever the children are not taking their medications, the behavioral therapy may be used. The best studied medicines for ADHD are stimulants. There are two main classes of stimulants, methylphenidate and amphetamine. The medications enhance attention span, behavior, finer motor control and social functioning. The stimulants can be act very quickly, last longer or last for long.

Stimulants come with certain adverse effects. Some of these include insomnia, decreased appetite, loss of weight, headaches and irritability. The not so common side effects are irritable moods and difficulty sleeping. Most of the effects are not permanent and disappear when dosage is changed.

In considering ADHD treatment NYC residents ought to understand that adults are affected as well. However, most adults that have the disorder do not know. They will find it hard to do simple tasks as getting organized, keeping appointments and arriving at work in time.

Read more about The Various Options For ADHD Treatment NYC visiting our website.

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