Social Psychiatry Blog

What The Heck Is NLP?


Neuro-linguistic Programming or NLP is process in by which individual try to attain their self actualization through communication. This is the mental programming in skill development in tackling real life experiences. Goal planning goes through various processes before thr actual implementation.

Personal Development Information That Can Improve Your Life


One way you can improve yourself is through personal development. These tips can help you personally develop yourself, change your own character, change the way you think, and most of all, improve your life.

Real Business Owners Make No Excuses


No Excuses: Excuses are practically nothing greater than the battle cry of a victim.

Free – The Science of Getting Rich


Although The Science of Making Money was published over a century ago, there are several handy tips within it for people that are striving to build better businesses and build better lives for themselves, their family and society in total. You achieve what you have, fundamentally by carrying out things in a certain manner and folks who are prosperous are going to apply the principles to further ventures and usually keep growing prosperous. People that have not discovered ways to use these strategies irrespective of how diligently they labor or how committed to their careers they are , will rarely become rich. Wallace Wattles confirms in this book that anyone that can discover the right approach can simply become prosperous.

Looking To The Future: How You Can Improve Yourself


Don’t get stuck on the idea that all of your personal goals must be related to your professional life. You are a complete human being and it is great to be balanced in other areas as well. This can include things like taking up a new sport or even learning some type of art.

Companies that wish to stay in business for a long time has to do what they can to keep their customers happy. And websites such as Survey Solutions provide helpful tips and information on why getting feedback from your customers is very important. To help you understand why feedback from your customers is important, there are a number of things you need to learn about first.

Why Resilience is Now a Crucial Part of Our Professional and Personal Lives


Whether professionally or personally, things are changing – the pace of which is certainly not glacial. Whether by the struggles of the economy, an abundance in workers and certain skills or a natural progression in corporate requirements employees are now being asked to do more. Personal pressures are inevitably increased as the pressure to be perfect reaches new highs. Resilience is now a sought after quality and one it’s never been more helpful to have.



Expectation spawns frustration, frustration spawns anger, and we become irritable. Every day, we create expectations for a variety of things. No matter how well-meaning our expectation, the moment the expectation isn’t met, our emotions take a beating. It’s as though we’re barely able to resist taking a beating from unmet expectations.

Genuine Remedies For Procrastination That Can Really Work


Nearly everyone procrastinates. It may happen when faced with a deadline, or when there is an urgent need to make personal choices or changes. Postponing tasks or decisions until a future date can become an ingrained habit, however, and may negatively affect personal health and sense of self-worth, relationships, and even a reputation for trustworthiness. Remedies for procrastination can help break this self-destructive pattern.



Deep inside us, we likely feel an emptiness or a hole: something missing. What we’re likely doing, unbeknownst to us, is ensuring that this feeling of something missing stays with us.