Social Psychiatry Blog

Befriending A Damaging Self-Belief


“Factor-x” believes you are in some kind of danger. When we were very young, possibly still at the toddler stage, we took on a certain self-belief. If the self-belief was negative, it was taken on as a survival mechanism against our environment. Factor-x is a child version of yourself – it is not the enemy.

Why Choose A Suffocating Life?


When living a life based on either our own meaning or a negative self-belief that we took on as young children (“Factor-x”), we’ll find that there will be incidents where either of the two will come up. This makes a difference to how we “spice” our lives.

The Undercurrent Of Our Dreams


We likely don’t know how to interpret our daydreams. Our vision, plans and aims can evolve our daydreams, which come about from the underlying feelings and undercurrents of our experiences. When we haven’t yet uncovered our meaning, we’re likely to misunderstand our daydreams – to interpret them based on our frame of reference, as created by ourselves within society’s standards and norms.

Where is Humankind Headed?


Every day, wherever we go, whatever we read, and whomever we encounter, it’s the same thing. Humankind behaves in certain, specific ways, and we seem to be oblivious to our behavior.

Taking The Lead In Our Own Lives


As a trusting species, we humans follow very easily. In our upbringing, we are discouraged from questioning our elders. And it seems we just never shake off our automatic compliance. We see proof of this happening in our own lives, and what we experience emotionally when we even think of questioning anything or anyone.

Finding A Balance


It is likely that once you start self-discovery, you’ll want to run on your path at great speed. You might even neglect yourself, your health, your finances, or your daily chores in this ensuing process to make up for what you see as lost time.

Recognizing Your Own Value


What we can do, and usually do, is look for meaning outside ourselves. But we can uncover our meaning inside ourselves. Then, instead of doing things to find meaning, we can do things that include our meaning. When we do the things we like doing, we manifest our meaning through those things.

Paddling Downstream


Willpower doesn’t seem to yield lasting effects for us. When we apply willpower at some point, the thing we’re “willpowering” turns up again. Perhaps in a different way, but nevertheless, whatever we thought we had conquered or eliminated with willpower is likely to show up in our lives again.



Expectation spawns frustration, frustration spawns anger, and we become irritable. Every day, we create expectations for a variety of things. No matter how well-meaning our expectation, the moment the expectation isn’t met, our emotions take a beating. It’s as though we’re barely able to resist taking a beating from unmet expectations.

Ways To Be Supportive During A Death In The Family


Family members can find the death of a loved one very painful and hard. The death of a person can influence a lot of decisions in the family.