Social Psychiatry Blog

Difficulties On The Young Adult’s Path To Independence


Pam Broker, the founder, owner, and director of Milestones for Young Adults in Idaho, which is a young adult program, was interviewed by Lon Woodbury and Liz McGhee on Parent Choices for Struggling Adolescents on L.A. Talk Radio. She discussed what young adults need to do to grow up and become fully independent adults. The host of the show, Lon Woodbury, is the founder of Woodbury Reports, and he has helped families and struggling teens since 1984. His co-host, Elizabeth McGhee, is the Director of Admissions and Reference Relations at Sandhill Youngster Development Facility. Liz has well over 19 years of consulting experience. The show for struggling teens and their parents is sponsored by Father Flanagan’s Boys Town in Nebraska.

America’s Secret Crisis: Over Medicating Our Youth


Frank Granett described to Lon Woodbury, radio host for the Struggling Teen’s L.A. Talk Radio program, that the primary reasons ADHD and depressive disorder have actually become an epidemic in this country is because of environmental, nutritional, and physiological reasons. He thinks that one causative element behind this epidemic amongst children is that we are overmedicating our youth.

Book Review: “just Ask A Child” By Colleen Norris


Colleen Norris, the author of “Just ASK a Child: How to Give Children Wings to SOAR”, which will be available by the end of the year on and elsewhere, explained to Lon Woodbury, host of the struggling teens talk show on L.A. Talk Radio, how to build a platform for children to grow up successfully.

Reflecting Back On The Early Days Of Wilderness Therapy


Doug Nelson is a very early leader in developing what ended up being Wilderness Therapy programs, and he shared his memories about the early days of Wilderness Therapy for adolescents with talk show host Lon Woodbury on L.A. Talk Radio’s Struggling Teens weekly interview.

Incredible Results With Music Therapy For Special Needs Youth


Kristen Tillona, Director of Admissions and Karen Carreira, Director of Music and Vocational programs, Berkshire Hills Music Academy, MA, discussed the powerful impact of music therapy for special needs youth with Lon Woodbury on L.A. Talk Radio. They explained how music can be used as the glue for a therapeutic program helping young people with problems learn to have good social relationships, build self-confidence, and develop leadership.

Solutions For Helping Young Adults Overcome Mental Illness


Ben Robinson and Cheryl Wallace, President and Vice-President of Rose Hill Center in Michigan, a mental health treatment center, spoke to Lon Woodbury, the host of Struggling Teens on L.A. Talk Radio, about the many issues related to helping young adults overcome mental illness.

Do Single Sex Schools Provide A Better Alternative For At-Risk Teens?


Lon Woodbury’s new Amazon Kindle book, “Single Sex Schools & Programs” provides readers a broader understanding of the influence of single sex schools on assisting at-risk teens develop productive lives.

Using Restorative Justice Circles In Therapeutic Boarding Schools


Director of Student Life at Boulder Creek Academy in Idaho, Lisa Hester was invited by L. A. Talk Radio host Lon Woodbury to discuss restorative justice circles in therapeutic boarding school and to describe how this therapeutic procedure had contributed to changing her whole school in 2012. Despite some initial resistance by teachers to this healing modality, it proved useful in significantly improving discipline in the school.

Coach Is Empowering Success For Young People


Monday, April 29, 2012

How Well Does Brain Training Work?


Lon Woodbury on L.A. Talk Radio spoke to Betsy Hill, President of Learning Enhancement Corporation. They discussed brain training and she adumbrated the factors required for brain training software like Brainware Safari.