A Text Flirting Technique That Will Get Her Attention
Girls that you met last night at a bar or night club usually does not feeling the same way about you when you text them the next day.
But what if I told you that there is a technique for texting a girl that could pull her back into the state that she was in when you two met? You know, the state where she was having fun, feeling adventurous, and most importantly, thought you were really cute. Well, cute enough to give you her number at least. (To learn more about if a girl doesn’t text you back, check out my article on what to text girls.)
Well there is a way to do this and I call it, Call Back Humor. What call back humor does it remind her of all the fun she was having when she first met you and thus get her back into that emotional state of mind.
The girl that you met at the bar last night and the girl you’ll be texting the next morning are usually very different. At the bar she was laughing and dancing and having fun. The next day, she might be doing laundry or dealing with some life problem. Because of this, she will be much less responsive towards you.
So by sending her a text message that reminds her of the fun stuff, you are able to call her back to the same state she was in when she was having fun.
Another good thing that will come out of doing this is that she will link up that positive feeling she gets to talking with you.
The first thing you nee to do in order to pull this off is to actually show her a good time when you first meet her. Or at the very least make sure that she is having a good time, even if you are not the direct cause of it.
This is probably the most important step. After all, if she’s not having fun, then there won’t be any good memories to call back to.
Once you got that part out of the way, the next step is to send her a message that calls her back to that place.
Don’t just say, “Hey, it’s Joe. Sure had a great time last night!”
That’s not very compelling and doesn’t really reference anything.
It doesn’t cause her to remember anything fun that happened in the past.
For example, you could say something like this,
“How fun was the party last night? Remember when you…”
This is a much better text message that will get her to remember what happened last night and get back into the same state.
Now all you have to do is go to my blog at how to flirt with a girl over text and read all the great trainings I have put up over there and get everything you need to know about how to flirt by text.