Social Psychiatry Blog

Persuasion Skills – How To Defend Against Covert Manipulation

3 tips on persuasion skills – subliminal and covert persuasion reveal 3 secrets how to measure effects of subliminal persuasion. States of persuasion reveal what to look for. Exactly how to measure comes next. How to interpret follows last.

Periods of Persuasion. Unexplainable, massive and overpowering are three important words to keep mind while reading this article. Have you engaged in activity out of character for you and have no good reasons why? If so, you may safely assume secret manipulation. Events that occur without explanation fall in the first state or category of types of secret manipulation. A person afraid of heights but just once tries bungee jumping belongs into the next category. When events occur that feature people ignoring their most massive fear then this event is classified into the second category. The final example features an overpowering urge. People cannot turn down the urge to eat or to learn to speak a new language or to shop. Overpowering urges give a clue that the third category of covert persuasion is occurring.

Humans do not suspect that some events swirling in their lives could be successful covert operations taking the form of a television paper, music concert or cologne. Pleasant activities escape suspicion. Yet, many events can be and probably are subliminal persuasion. If we can assume that covert persuasion is occurring then opportunities to educate ourselves arise. So let us temporarily assume that any event that is stupendously perplexing or enormous or uncontrollable is a secret manipulation of some sort. Then we make for ourselves an event to dissect and hopefully become more learned in the art of persuasion. We write down observations about the covert event. We store these observations for data analysis.

Event Measurements. We describe observations of the successes of persuasion in traditional ways. Analysts can categorize these successful event outcomes in what ever way they want. They can describe the setting and how it affected campaign success. The readers or clients need to know factual observations. They need to know details but too many, and so forth. Perhaps someone could calculate averages or conversion rates and perhaps the return on investment (ROI). Time and demographics may provide insight if they get recorded and listed along with the other data.

Interpretation. Interpretation gives meaning to data collected. Do not beat up analysts if they struggle with the interpretation these data. Subliminal manipulation is hard to measure and harder to take to into the mind and comprehend. Interpreting any hard to measure phenomenon, like covert persuasion, is like unto a black art. Interpreting is subjectively and imprecisely accomplished.

Making comparisons help to make sense of how persuasion operates. Comparing the conversion rates of subliminal sales techniques with conversion rates for all sales techniques gives covert methods some perspective. The industry average can be used to help judge which technique wins. People learn how one technique fairs against others. A standard of success could be the industry average sales performance. This is the average of all sales within an industry. People may determine that subliminal techniques convert better than other sales methods, or visa versa.

Personal endorsements are another way that gets buyers excited about buying a product. Many clients who employ covert persuasion methods in the marketplace are not always willing to provide feedback about their profitable yet subliminal knowledge. Corporate clients may give general endorsements such as that they receive more appointments and more sales using a particular selling technique. Individual persons may mention benefits like new mates or another job promotion. Personal testimonials are valuable in advertising partly because people believe what they hear other people say about a product.

Conclusion. If we assume manipulation in certain events, then we have a justification to collect their event data. Afterwards we describe the data using standardized procedures of science. Interpretation and conclusion follow. Perhaps using this technique will get observations in situations where data are hard to come by. Perhaps it will allow people a better understanding of the market impacts of certain covert sales techniques.

3 secrets to measuring persuasion skills – subliminal and covert persuasion help anyone to notice and document subliminal activity in and around the marketplace. Learn the signs of persuasion and how to measure and interpret subliminal activity you perceive

To enjoy the success that come from being an expert persuader, you will need to learnpersuasion skills, as well asthe art of persuasion

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